A Matter of Time


Timing is everything.

I know, I know -- everyone says that. And I know, I know -- it's hard to accept. It's hard to let go of wanting to control everything in your life.

If you want to make God (The Universe or whichever higher power you believe in) laugh, tell him your plans.

This past year, through my blog, my work, my personal life not seen on social media, I've learned to just be patient. I've learned to let life happen because if you just keep plugging away and moving towards your greatness, whatever life offers you will be exactly what was meant for you. 

If my life went by "my plan," my blog would have successfully launched last year, I'd be living in my dream home by now, I'd probably be married and have a cute lap dog I don't really have time for. Although I am launching my blog this year, am still living at home and am not married, I am so grateful for everything I have learned in this past year. I've never energetically felt a shift in my life so strong as I did in the transition from 2017 to 2018. I have completely surrendered to God & The Universe. Ironically, now I look forward to the moments that will stretch me and force me to grow because I have always received such amazing outcomes from them. 

This is my beginning - I have officially (re)launched! I am so excited to share my new sense of self with you all because well, it's time! I felt it was only appropriate to launch this newly remodeled Blazers & Bralettes with this beautiful piece from Jord Watches so you can also enjoy your time. xx

I have partnered up with Jord Watches to give one of my special followers a watch of their very own! *hand clap* I am always looking for unique accessories - who doesn't want to stand out? I'm obsessed! 

click to enter giveaway


All photos are taken by Nicole Balsamo.