27 Lessons


Some lessons can't be taught; they have to be learned.

I'm 27! I honestly can't believe I am 27. Time really does fly. I feel like this past year was so pivotal for me -- I have really surrendered to the universe & God and genuinely feel like I am moving into my greatness. There is a life that I want to live and I finally feel, energetically, that it's my time to grab it. There is no way I would be where I am today if it weren't for the lessons I have learned thus far but mainly this past year. So, in the spirit of turning 27, here are 27 lessons learned during 26.

  1. Take breaks. It doesn't mean you're slacking. It just means you're taking care of yourself so you can continue to grind.

  2. People can only love you to their own capability of the word. Not everyone was shown the same kind of love growing up and everyone views love differently. What you perceive as love may not be how someone else perceives it and vise versa. So you can't always expect someone to love the way you do.

  3. A good friend isn't determined by how many years you have known them. I have felt like I had to hold onto certain friendships because we were friends since we were kids, but that's not true. Some people are meant for your life for the long haul and others are just meant for a season. It's hard, but sometimes it's harder holding onto the unhealthy relationship.

  4. Your parents mean well and love the crap out of you even if they don't know how to relate to you all the time.

  5. Just because it doesn't happen overnight doesn't mean it won't happen.

  6. People are put into your life for a reason.

  7. Trust yourself. You know more than you give yourself credit for.

  8. Instagram isn't real life. Well, sometimes it is, but it's a pretty, edited version of it.

  9. The journey isn't always perfect, but the purpose is. Never doubt the path God is taking you on. He knows what's best for you because he already wrote it.

  10. Imperfect photos are always better.

  11. Be you -- people love authenticity.

  12. No matter how much time, time does heal all.

  13. You're not everyone's cup of tea and that's OKAY.

  14. If you have to question them, they probably aren't your real friends nor have your best interests at heart.

  15. It doesn't matter where I live because home is where my family is.

  16. Relationships aren't always rainbows and butterflies, but your love is.

  17. Don't buy clothes with the intention of fitting into them later. It's a trap.

  18. Less really is more.

  19. You always forget about the things you buy, but you never forget experiences and trips taken.

  20. It IS possible to have too many purses.

  21. There is such thing as constructive criticism and the people who genuinely give it to you really do love you.

  22. Green tea helps with digestion.

  23. Patience will get you a lot further in life.

  24. You can't wear crop tops everywhere even when you reallyyyyyyy want to.

  25. A few quality leggings are way better than a ton of Forever 21 leggings.

  26. God never leaves you behind.

  27. I don't just want a Bentley and a big house. I want peace of mind and total abundance.